Sue Hughes, M.S.Ed., HHP, CNC
AADP Certified
Tel:  215-833-6713
1.  How long does a wellness program usually last?

     That depends on your needs, but most programs are designed for a 90-day period.

2.  What types of services are included in the program?

     Again, it depends on your specific needs and goals. Generally, though, you will receive a 20+ page booklet (a "thesis" of sorts!) that includes detailed dietary and supplementary recommendations; an analysis of all of your current medications (if applicable), their side effects and any potential medication-vitamin/herb interaction information; detailed educational information regarding the reasoning behind my recommendations; lifestyle recommendations and instructions (an example: meditation or stress management help and resources) and lots of additional health-based handouts and information sheets.  Then, to support your efforts in reaching your health goals, I keep in close contact via follow-up consultations, coaching, unlimited email and text support and discounts on professional-grade supplements and other health products. So the program is a mix of education, coaching and counseling!

3.  Is Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis included in your programs?

     I include it based on client need or desire. It is certainly a helpful tool to see how the body is processing the nutrients it is taking in and it also gives us a glimpse of how the body handles stress.

4.  Do I have to stop taking my prescription medication in order to sign up for a Personalized Wellness Program?

     Absolutely not! I am not qualified to make changes to your medications - that is between you and your doctor. My role in this regard is that of "advocate".  I will make sure that my nutrient or herbal recommendations do not conflict with or interact with your medications and I will address any drug-induced nutrient depletions with appropriate recommendations. I cannot stress enough the importance of informing the doctor of all supplement additions or changes, as well as letting me know when the doctor adjusts or adds medications to your regimen.

5.  Do you take insurance?

     At this point in time most services provided by certified practitioners of nutrition and holistic health are not covered by health insurance. That said, certain health plans do provide reimbursement for smoking cessation and weight loss programs along with heavy metal testing and detoxification if deemed necessary by a licensed physician. If this applies to you, be sure to inquire with your insurance company.

6.  Do I have to purchase the brand of nutrient supplements that you recommend, or can I use whatever brand I want?

     We'll work together on this! I have carefully researched the supplements and brands that I recommend to make sure that my clients get the most pure, trusted and high value products. Unfortunately, not all products are created equal so if you have your own specific brands that you prefer, I ask that you let me know so that I can make sure you're getting what you pay for and that there are no detrimental fillers or other ingredients.

     I am excited to be able to offer my clients a large variety of brands of professional grade supplements at a 15% discount through the easy and convenient "HealthWave Virtual Dispensary". For more information, click HERE.

7. What is the price of a typical wellness program?

     Pricing varies based on the services deemed necessary for the client, from an $18 15-minute sesson to a very comprehensive 90-day program in the $300 - $600 range.

8.  Do you take credit cards or payment plans?

     Yes. I bill through the secure services Paypal and Stripe and therefore accept all major credit cards. Most of my clients pay via monthly installments so I am happy to set up a plan that suits your needs.

Please email me if you have any other questions!

* The statements on this site have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are not intended for the diagnosis, treatment or cure of any illness or disease. If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition, consult your physician prior to making changes.

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